I merely hanpeped inside your blog while looking for any digital in the cowboy ad. I believed the ad was funny really laugh aloud funny. After around the week, I still laugh when it's on.I'm not too sure To be certain along with your premise that an excellent author makes her site visitors feel smart I'm not a real fan for something which adds for the further dumbing lower of america, but possibly I'll address that another time. For me this ad is not mean being over-examined it's a joke and just you obtain it otherwise you don't. And like every jokes, they're never funny if you want to explain them. Really Ls was stretching when suggesting that how large the hats had something connected to the overall message. Further stretching if Ls thinks any kind of Dish's audience knows they're hq'd in CO. I'm taking a chance both genesis and reason behind the ad is always that when you find out about the completely new streaming feature, the hats and mustaches develop, all supported having a deadpan delivery. Either you think that's funny otherwise you don't.I've been a v . p . of marketing for 25 yrs and imho the ad was edgy and certainly memorable. I've posted the ad close to twelve pals. Sure, it's mother-in-law general market trends but everyone believe it is funny save one my mother was without it either (she's 80) and he or she usually likes off-the-wall humor .It's interesting that u can funnel Liz Lemon yet miss that certain. Maybe I merely hanpeped on something Liz's humor commonly has a location which ad's punchline is a lot more .oddly esoteric(?). Rather think Kenneth Parcell!Appreciate giving me the opportunity to comment.Rob